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Cum arată apartamentul de lux în care locuiește Cristiano Ronaldo în Arabia Saudită. Are 17 camere și o priveliște spectaculoasă

SportCum arată apartamentul de lux în care locuiește Cristiano Ronaldo în Arabia Saudită. Are 17 camere și o priveliște spectaculoasă

Cristiano Ronaldo și familia sa sunt cazați temporar în Kingdom Tower, una dintre cele mai înalte clădiri din Arabia Saudită, în Suita „Kingdom” din hotelul Four Season. Atacantul ocupă unul dintre cele mai luxoase apartamente, care se întinde pe două etaje, relatează tabloidul britanic Daily Mail.

Apartamentul dispune de 17 camere pentru familie, prieteni și agenții săi de securitate. Clădirea în care se află apartamentul are 99 de etaje și îi oferă, de asemenea, o priveliște spectaculoasă asupra capitalei Riad.

Costul acestuia nici măcar nu este afișat pe site-ul hotelului, el fiind rezervat doar în condiții speciale.

Însă „Suita Prezidențială”, un ansamblu de apartamente din același hotel, cu suprafață mai mică, poate fi rezervată online, costul pentru o noapte fiind de 3.300 de lire sterline.

Cristiano Ronaldo Saudi Arabia home
The superstar is staying in a lavish suite at Riyadhs Four Seasons hotel at the Kingdom Tower, one of the tallest buildings in the country.
The footballer signed for the Al-Nassr club in the Saudi Pro League with a package worth more than 400 Mill.
Ronaldo and his family are staying in its Kingdom Suite which is on two floors.
On its description on the website, it is described as havingi unparalleled views of Riyadh. It spans the 48th and 50th floors of the Hotel, with a soaring living room, a private office, a dining room and a media room.,,Image: 748484868, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

La suite de l’hôtel „Four Seasons” où va séjourner Cristiano Ronaldo à Riyad en Arabie Saoudite, le 9 janvier 2023. Cristiano Ronaldo Saudi Arabia home. The superstar is staying in a lavish suite at Riyadhs Four Seasons hotel at the Kingdom Tower, one of the tallest buildings in the country. The footballer signed for the Al-Nassr club in the Saudi Pro League with a package worth more than 400 Mill. Ronaldo and his family are staying in its Kingdom Suite which is on two floors. On its description on the website, it is described as havingi unparalleled views of Riyadh. It spans the 48th and 50th floors of the Hotel, with a soaring living room, a private office, a dining room and a media room.,Image: 748484554, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

La suite de l’hôtel „Four Seasons” où va séjourner Cristiano Ronaldo à Riyad en Arabie Saoudite, le 9 janvier 2023. Cristiano Ronaldo Saudi Arabia home. The superstar is staying in a lavish suite at Riyadhs Four Seasons hotel at the Kingdom Tower, one of the tallest buildings in the country. The footballer signed for the Al-Nassr club in the Saudi Pro League with a package worth more than 400 Mill. Ronaldo and his family are staying in its Kingdom Suite which is on two floors. On its description on the website, it is described as havingi unparalleled views of Riyadh. It spans the 48th and 50th floors of the Hotel, with a soaring living room, a private office, a dining room and a media room.,Image: 748484562, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

La suite de l’hôtel „Four Seasons” où va séjourner Cristiano Ronaldo à Riyad en Arabie Saoudite, le 9 janvier 2023. Cristiano Ronaldo Saudi Arabia home. The superstar is staying in a lavish suite at Riyadhs Four Seasons hotel at the Kingdom Tower, one of the tallest buildings in the country. The footballer signed for the Al-Nassr club in the Saudi Pro League with a package worth more than 400 Mill. Ronaldo and his family are staying in its Kingdom Suite which is on two floors. On its description on the website, it is described as havingi unparalleled views of Riyadh. It spans the 48th and 50th floors of the Hotel, with a soaring living room, a private office, a dining room and a media room.,Image: 748484542, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

La suite de l’hôtel „Four Seasons” où va séjourner Cristiano Ronaldo à Riyad en Arabie Saoudite, le 9 janvier 2023. Cristiano Ronaldo Saudi Arabia home. The superstar is staying in a lavish suite at Riyadhs Four Seasons hotel at the Kingdom Tower, one of the tallest buildings in the country. The footballer signed for the Al-Nassr club in the Saudi Pro League with a package worth more than 400 Mill. Ronaldo and his family are staying in its Kingdom Suite which is on two floors. On its description on the website, it is described as havingi unparalleled views of Riyadh. It spans the 48th and 50th floors of the Hotel, with a soaring living room, a private office, a dining room and a media room.,Image: 748484543, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Cristiano Ronaldo Saudi Arabia home
The superstar is staying in a lavish suite at Riyadhs Four Seasons hotel at the Kingdom Tower, one of the tallest buildings in the country.
The footballer signed for the Al-Nassr club in the Saudi Pro League with a package worth more than 400 Mill.
Ronaldo and his family are staying in its Kingdom Suite which is on two floors.
On its description on the website, it is described as havingi unparalleled views of Riyadh. It spans the 48th and 50th floors of the Hotel, with a soaring living room, a private office, a dining room and a media room.,,Image: 748484870, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Inside Cristiano Ronaldo’s first Saudi home.
The superstar is staying in a lavish suite at Riyadh’s Four Seasons hotel. Ronaldo – who is rumoured to be earning £175 million-a-year – is expected to run up a £250,000 bill before he moves into a more permanent residence.
The former ‘Real Madrid’ and ‘Manchester United’ star signed for the Al-Nassr club in the Saudi Pro League with a package worth more than £400m. He’s now staying in the Kingdom Tower, one of the tallest buildings in the country.
Ronaldo and his family are staying in its ‘Kingdom Suite’ – which is on two floors. The cost of the suite is not even listed on the hotel’s website and has to be booked privately.
On its description on the website, it’s described as having “unparalleled views of Riyadh.” It “spans the 48th and 50th floors of the Hotel, with a soaring living room, a private office, a dining room and a media room.”
Because of his celebrity status, chefs are providing an exclusive in-room dining service for Ronaldo and his family. Staff have been asked not to request selfies with the star. But he has been accommodating guests and their children and has been seen thanking hotel workers as he enters and leaves.,Image: 748463837, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no

Pentru a lua masa, vedeta portugheză se poate bucura de „cele mai bune mâncăruri din China, Japonia, India și Orientul Mijlociu, cu cele mai proaspete ingrediente”. Datorită statutului său, bucătarii îi vor oferi un serviciu exclusiv de luat masa, în cameră.

Potrivit Daily Mail, Ronaldo, alături de Georgina și de cei cinci copii ai lor, va sta doar o lună în apartament, până își vor găsi o locuință permanentă. Se estimează că factura pentru cazarea la hotel va fi de aproape 285.000 de euro, potrivit Daily Mail.

Cristiano Ronaldo a semnat un contract până în anul 2025 cu Al-Nassr. Potrivit revistei spaniole Marca, portughezul va primi cel mai mare salariu oferit vreodată unui jucător din istoria sportului: 200 de milioane de euro anual.

Sportivul de 37 de ani a fost prezentat oficial la noua sa echipă pe 3 ianuarie.

Foto: Profimedia

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